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en:start [2017/01/25 13:36]
gustavo [Plagius - Wiki]
en:start [2024/08/23 12:39] (current)
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-{{:pt-br:ico_plagius_1.png?nolink&100 |}}+ 
 +{{:pt-br:ico_plagius_1.png?nolink&100x99 |}}
  ====== Plagius - Plagiarism Detector - Wiki ======  ====== Plagius - Plagiarism Detector - Wiki ======
-{{ :pt-br:nature.jpg?nolink|}} +{{ :en:result-en-with-tips.png?500x294|}}
-Plagius is a Plagiarism Checker desktop software designed to detect plagiarism. Plagius checks documents, academic works (any kind of text) searching over the internet for occurrences of plagiarism. It analyses doc, docx, pdf and also compares local files.+
-Here you can find informationtips and manuals about the Plagius and how to get better results using this tool.+Plagius is a **Plagiarism Checker** desktop software designed to detect plagiarism. [[https://www.plagius.com/en|Plagius]] checks documentsacademic works (any kind of text) searching over the internet for occurrences of plagiarism. It analyses doc, docx, pdf and also compares local files.
-Click on the following link to know the versions and download a demo: +Here you can find information, tips and manuals about Plagius and how to get better results using this tool.
-[[http://www.plagius.com|Plagiarism Checker]]+
 +Click on the following link to know the versions and **download a demo**:
 +[[https://www.plagius.com/en/plagiarism-checker|Plagiarism Checker]]
 \\ \\
-**Content**+=== English Content ===
 [[howtoinstall|Installation Tutorial]] [[howtoinstall|Installation Tutorial]]
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 [[terms|Terms of Use ]] [[terms|Terms of Use ]]
 +=== Demonstration ===
 +=== Complete documentation (automatically translated) ===
 +The documentation for Plagius program was originally written in Portuguese, some relevant information has not yet been translated.
 +Please access the automatically translated version, the translation is quite accurate.
 +[[https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&u=https://www.plagius.com/wiki/pt-br:start|Plagius WIKI auto-translated]]
  • en/start.1485358563.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/25 10:36
  • (external edit)