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en:start [2017/05/11 16:16]
en:start [2024/08/23 12:39] (current)
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-{{:pt-br:ico_plagius_1.png?nolink&100 |}}+ 
 +{{:pt-br:ico_plagius_1.png?nolink&100x99 |}}
  ====== Plagius - Plagiarism Detector - Wiki ======  ====== Plagius - Plagiarism Detector - Wiki ======
-{{ :en:result-en-with-tips.png?500|}}+{{ :en:result-en-with-tips.png?500x294|}}
-Plagius is a **Plagiarism Checker** desktop software designed to detect plagiarism. [[http://www.plagius.com/en|Plagius]] checks documents, academic works (any kind of text) searching over the internet for occurrences of plagiarism. It analyses doc, docx, pdf and also compares local files.+Plagius is a **Plagiarism Checker** desktop software designed to detect plagiarism. [[https://www.plagius.com/en|Plagius]] checks documents, academic works (any kind of text) searching over the internet for occurrences of plagiarism. It analyses doc, docx, pdf and also compares local files.
-Here you can find information, tips and manuals about the Plagius and how to get better results using this tool.+Here you can find information, tips and manuals about Plagius and how to get better results using this tool.
 Click on the following link to know the versions and **download a demo**: Click on the following link to know the versions and **download a demo**:
-[[http://www.plagius.com/en/plagiarism-checker|Plagiarism Checker]]+[[https://www.plagius.com/en/plagiarism-checker|Plagiarism Checker]]
 \\ \\
-**Content**+=== English Content ===
 [[howtoinstall|Installation Tutorial]] [[howtoinstall|Installation Tutorial]]
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 [[terms|Terms of Use ]] [[terms|Terms of Use ]]
 +=== Demonstration ===
 +=== Complete documentation (automatically translated) ===
 +The documentation for Plagius program was originally written in Portuguese, some relevant information has not yet been translated.
 +Please access the automatically translated version, the translation is quite accurate.
 +[[https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&u=https://www.plagius.com/wiki/pt-br:start|Plagius WIKI auto-translated]]
  • en/start.1494530185.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/05/11 13:16
  • (external edit)