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en:supported-formats [2024/09/11 07:10] (current)
gustavo created
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Plagius - Accepted Formats ======
 +Plagius can open and extract text from the following file formats:
 +|**Format** | **Extensions** | **Remarks** |
 +|Word Files|doc and docx|Password-protected files cannot be opened by the program.|
 +|Portable Document Format |pdf|Encrypted or password-protected files cannot be opened by the program.|
 +|LibreOffice/OpenOffice Files|odt||
 +|PowerPoint Files|ppt||
 +|Web Pages|htm, html||
 +|Rich Text Format|rtf||
 +|Plain Text|txt|Standard Unicode: UTF-8|
 +* **General Remarks**: texts embedded in images, such as scanned text pages in PDFs, for example, are not recognized by Plagius.
  • en/supported-formats.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/11 07:10
  • by gustavo