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Search for suspected plagiarism in documents by searching through various internet search engines
Plagius supports Word files (doc and docx), PDF, OpenOffice, PPT, Html, RTF, plain text... More info...
Plagius does the analysis locally, on your computer.
Your work is not sent to be analyzed remotely.
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It is very simple to use: choose a file and start the analysis!
It has exclusive algorithms that improve the quality and reliability of the result.
Also looks for similarities with files on your computer.
* Professional version only.
Compares files with files, showing the percentage of similarity between them.
* Exclusive to the Professional version
Use Plagius at will, there is no page limit, analysis or file size.
Plagius is a desktop plagiarism checker software that analyzes documents looking for suspected plagiarism by searching on the internet or in local files.
It is a tool to help in the hard task of finding plagiarism, allowing you to easily find sentences copied directly from websites or other files in your computer.
Plagius examines documents of various formats (Word, PDF, OpenOffice, HTML, RTF, plain text...) and displays detailed reports, informing the references found, the frequency of occurrences on the Internet and the percentage of suspected plagiarism.
Builds detailed report with dynamic information about the analysis, including:
Know more about the plagiarism report of Plagius.
Get all plagiarism detection features with Plagius Professional.
Local Search: It allows you to search similarities in files from your computer or network shares, click for more.
Batch Search: Too many files to analyze? No problem, with Plagius Professional you can add all files at once and let Plagius analyze them all.
Scan a page on the internet: If the text you want to analyze is on a website, page or blog, with the Plagius Professional you can enter the URL and the program will search for similar passages on the internet.
AI Detection: Detection of text generated by Artificial Intelligence, such as ChatGPT.¹
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For business licenses, please contact us.
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